Yoga Poses For Balance

I’ve been doing a free course on recently lead by Dashama, called ‘Yoga Exercises for Core Strength and Flexibility‘. The course is a follow-on from another one, ‘Yoga Exercises‘, and is done completely with videos. It’s been really great, as I’ve learnt a variety of different poses, and I can feel myself improving!

This morning there was a beginner level video on poses to help with balance, which is definitely something that I can find hard. The video was really good so I drew it in a more structured routine, as seen here:

Balance Poses_NEW.JPGThe routine starts off in Mountain Pose, and then gradually moves into Tree Pose and Extended Tree Pose. After this there are some leg stretches from Tree Pose (three of each), and then a gradual movement into Aeroplane Pose. The numbers in blue are the recommended amount of breaths to hold each pose for.

It will be hard at first, but it definitely helps! Dashama recommends finding a drishti (focus point) when doing the poses to make them easier. By doing these poses every day, you should work on improving your balance to lead you up to some of the more challenging poses.

Got something to say? Go for it!